A new program will help residents pay utility bills. | Pixabay
A new program will help residents pay utility bills. | Pixabay
Residents needing assistance with utility bills can receive help from a new program launched by the Iowa Economic Development Authority on Oct. 9.
The Residential Utility Disruption Prevention Program will give assistance to residents to pay their utility bills, according to a press release from Iowa City. Households can receive up to $2,000 in assistance. Any payments made through the program will go directly to the utility provider.
To be eligible, a household must have a primary Iowa residence with active utility accounts, this includes renters as well.
A household must also have an unpaid utility balance or be in a current payment plan in addition to having an annual income that is 80% of the median family income.
The applicant must also have experienced job impacts due to the COVID-19 pandemic, such as job loss, hour reduction or pay reduction.
More eligibility requirements can be found online at iowahousingrecovery.com, where households can also apply. Applications will be accepted through Friday, Nov. 20.